Tel:  01297 23187

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Alex Smith

Alex completed his automotive technician training in 1965, and has spent more than 50 years in the business. He knows what it takes to repair cars quickly and professionally. Alex has seen his business grow from a one-man auto shop to a respected auto repair center that employees more than 10 professionals. You might not find Alex under the hood of a car as often as you could in past, but he is almost always on hand and available for consultation and advice. 

Ryan Smith

Ryan grew up in his dad’s auto shop, and while other kids were playing with pacifiers and toy cars, he was sorting nuts from bolts and learning how to use a ratchet. In addition to having the best apprenticeship in the world, Ryan also received professional training and certification from the state’s leading college. Ryan can be found on-site most days, though he is known to disappear for fishing trips when the weather is right. 

Jeremy Brady 

Car Painting Professional
Jeremy is our in-house car painting professional who has been painting cars at AUTO REPAIR & CARE for upwards of a decade. Jeremy joined the team after completing a 2-year program in the field, and is a specialist in mixing paints to perfection. Careful and precise, Jeremy brings a real sense of pride to every project. 
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